

  • 主演:内详  
  • 导演:Inna  Evlannikova  
  • 分类:动漫节目
  • 地区:其它
  • 年份:2020
  • 更新:2023-09-13 00:40
  • 简介:  When a mysterious and dangerous whirlpool phenomenon appears in the tropics of the Atlantic Ocean, Belka and Strelka, the first astronauts on their..


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  • 剧情介绍
本片是Inna Evlannikova执导, 内详主演的动漫节目《太空狗:热带冒险》由其它地区2020年推出,详细介绍:

  When a mysterious and dangerous whirlpool phenomenon appears in the tropics of the Atlantic Ocean, Belka and Strelka, the first astronauts on their way back from a mission to Saturn, are sent to investigate. As they venture down into the swirling ocean depths, they discover a mysterious UFO attempting to steal all of Earth's water. With the help of their good friends, Belka and Strelka once again perform a heroic mission to save both our planet and the distant home of their new alien friends.



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